OK, here is the last step of the game. You can copy this code and arrange these 3 steps as follows.
step - 1
step - 2
step - 0
I mean, 1st copy the step - 1 into some CPP file and then step - 2 and lastly step - 0.
Hope you'll enjoy the game.
//******************STRPOINT char *strpoint(long int point) { int i=0,j; char *str; str=(char*)malloc(10); if(point==0) { str[0]=48; str[1]='\0'; } else { while(pow10(i)<=point) i++; str[i]='\0'; for(j=i-1;j>=0;j--) { str[j]=point%10+48; point=point/10; } } return str; } //********************END void end(void) { setfillstyle(1,9); bar(0,0,650,500); char *a="GAME OVER"; settextstyle(0,0,4); textheight(a); outtextxy(160,200,a); settextstyle(0,0,1); outtextxy(50,400," Created by Bayasgalantuguldur"); outtextxy(50,410,"Computer science and managements school."); delay(4000); getch(); } //*******************START int Call(char zal,int too,int *x) { if(zal==1&&*x>125) { *x-=26; setfillstyle(1, 4); bar(*x,375,*x+25,400); setfillstyle(1,9); bar(*x+26,375,*x+26*2,400); return -1; //*col--; } else if(zal==0&&(125+26*(too-1))>*x) { *x+=26; setfillstyle(1, 4); bar(*x,375,*x+25,400); setfillstyle(1, 9); bar(*x-26,375,*x-1,400); return 1; //*col++; } else return 0; } int Color(int too) { char key=0; int color=0; int x=125; setfillstyle(1, 4); bar(x,375,x+25,400); settextstyle(0,0,1); outtextxy(100,330,"Select the color of your car"); while(key!=13) { key=getch(); if(key==75||key=='a'|key=='d') color+=Call(1,too,&x); else if(key==77||key=='a'||key=='d') color+=Call(0,too,&x); } return color; } int start(void) { char ungu[5]={8,11,12,5,13}; setfillstyle(1,9); bar(0,0,650,500); char *a="START GAME"; settextstyle(0,0,4); textheight(a); outtextxy(160,200,a); int i; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { setfillstyle(1,ungu[i]); bar(125+26*i,350,150+26*i,375); } return ungu[Color(5)]; } //******************SONGOH*************// int UpDown(char ud,int x) { if(ud==1&&x==-1) { x=1; setfillstyle(1,9); bar(220,190,430,230); outtextxy(230,200,"Play again"); setfillstyle(1,0); bar(220,240,430,280); outtextxy(230,250,"EXIT"); } else if(ud==0&&x==1) { x=-1; setfillstyle(1,0); bar(220,190,430,230); outtextxy(230,200,"Play again"); setfillstyle(1,9); bar(220,240,430,280); outtextxy(230,250,"EXIT"); } return x; } int songoh() { int x=1; settextstyle(0,0,2); setfillstyle(1,9); bar(220,190,430,230); outtextxy(230,200,"Play again"); setfillstyle(1,0); bar(220,240,430,280); outtextxy(230,250,"EXIT"); int key=0; while(key!=13) { key=getch(); if(key==72) x=UpDown(1,x); else if(key==80) x=UpDown(0,x); } return x; } //***************WIN**************// void win() { settextstyle(0,0,2); int i; for(i=0;i<50;i++) { setfillstyle(1,9); if(i%2==0) { setfillstyle(1,9); bar(220,190,400,230); outtextxy(230,200," You Won"); } else { setfillstyle(1,4); bar(220,190,400,230); outtextxy(230,200," You Win"); } delay(100); } delay(500); } //***********POINT***********// void Point(long int point) { settextstyle(0,0,2); outtextxy(190,200,"Your score:"); settextstyle(0,0,3); outtextxy(400,230,strpoint(point)); delay(3000); }
yostoi yanztai baahan header file nemeed l bolj bn daa. Saihan boljee. Ahiad enenees iluu togloom hiigeerei.