function emailValidate($email) { if(!eregi("^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_-]*(\.[a-z0-9_-]+)*@[a-z0-9]+ (\.[a-z0-9_-]+)*\.(\.[a-z]+){2,}$",$email)) { return true; } return false; }
eregi case insensitive regular expression math.
Find more about eregi function here
emailValidate function returns true if the email matches with regular expression else returns false.
eregis function returns 0 if expression doesn't match.
In our case, according to regular expression, the email address has to follow the "" form.
Of course you can change the expression as your wish.
Explanation of the expression:
^ indicates the beginning of the expression, therefore
^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_-]* means the email address must started with one or more alphabets and followed by alphabets or numbers or "_" or -.
* (star) indicates 0 or more.
\. : \ (backslash) indicates that whatever follows backslash, that symbol will appear exactly as it is.
([a-z]+){2,}$ : $(dollar) indicates that end of the expression.
{2,} indicates the number of occurrences. Omitting second number means that at least 2 characters have to be there. If it was {2, 4}, number of occurrences should be at least 2 and at most 4 characters.
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