Here is the source code of quick sort. This algorithm also knowns as most efficient search algorithm.
I don't know why but it doesn't work appropriately. It works on 100 data but more than that it crushes.
If you find bug let me know, thank you.
I've used Hoare-partition
I don't know why but it doesn't work appropriately. It works on 100 data but more than that it crushes.
If you find bug let me know, thank you.
I've used Hoare-partition
Here is the code.
int partition( int a[ ], int low, int high )
int piwot, right, left;
left = low + 1 ;
right = high ;
piwot = a[ low ];
while( a[ right ] > piwot ) right--;
while( a[ left ] < piwot &&a left < high ) left++;
if ( left < right )
swap( a, left, right );
swap( a, low, right );
return right;
void quickSort( int a[ ], int low, int high)
int part;
if( low < high )
part = partition( a, low, high );
quickSort( a, low, part -1 );
quickSort( a, part +1, high );